Communities Can Sue Oil Giant for Pollution - Nigerian High Court

A Nigerian High Court has ruled that 13,000 fishermen and farmers can bring claims against oil giant Shell for violating their right to a clean environment under Nigerian law. This marks a significant step in their fight for compensation and cleanup after oil pollution severely impacted their ability to farm and fish.

The move is a major development in the landmark legal claim by the Ogale and Bille communities, who have been fighting the oil giant for a clean-up and compensation after the pollution devastated the area. The villagers allege that oil pollution from Shell's Nigerian subsidiary destroyed their way of life and created serious health risks. Shell has denied responsibility for the pollution and has not offered any remedy or compensation to the communities.

In 2021, the UK Supreme Court ruled that Shell could be held legally responsible for the pollution. However, Shell has continued to try to delay and stop the claims. The High Court has now dismissed Shell's technical objections, allowing the claims to proceed.

This article originally appeared on AllAfrica

Image by Amnesty International

Blessing Mwangi