African Union condemns wave of coups

The African Union has condemned a recent wave of coups on the continent. 

The AU's commissioner for political affairs, peace and security said every African leader at the AU summit in Ethiopia had unequivocally condemned the resurgence coups. 

Bankole Adeoye said the AU had zero tolerance for military adventurism and that was why four countries had been suspended in a year. 

But there are questions over whether these suspensions have had any impact on the military men that have seized power in Mali, Guinea, Sudan and Burkina Faso. 

At a press briefing Bankole Adeoye dismissed the accusation that the AU had done little about the war in Ethiopia, where the continental body is based. 

He said the AU had been engaged from day one and was working hard to mediate a ceasefire.

This article originally appeared on BBC News

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Blessing Mwangi