Hopeful lawyers to sue Ghana law school for entry refusal

By Thomas Naadi

Nearly 500 aggrieved candidates are suing the Ghana School for Law, saying they were unjustly denied admission despite meeting the entrance exam pass mark of 50%. 

In order to practice law in Ghana students have to get a qualification from the law school.

The school authorities explained that, though the students obtained the required mark in the exams, they were expected to score at least 50% in the multiple choice questions and 50% in the essay section. The new rules were introduced after the exam was taken.

But the students have argued that the new rules were not part of what was advertised prior to the exams.

They’re demanding that all the students who passed the exams and were denied admission be allowed in.

They’re also planning to stage a demonstration on Wednesday to press home their demands. 

The Ghana Law School, which remains the only professional legal training institution in the country, has often struggled to cope with the high numbers who want to study there. 

But the authorities have also denied private institutions the opportunity to run the programme.

This article originally appeared on BBC News.

Photo: Modern Ghana

Blessing Mwangi