New Ghana 2057 Rebirth Initiative to Be Launched Next Year

A mass social development advo-cacy vehicle, dubbed the "New Ghana 2057 Rebirth Initiative", aimed at the reorientation of the mass of our people towards Ghana's Independence Centenary Celebrations through essays, symposia, workshops, lectures, sports and games compe-titions, will be launched in the first quarter of next year, 2023.

The initiative's processes, will in-clude a National Essay Competition, structured as "Describe in 200, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 words the new Ghana you wish to see and envisage to cel-ebrate in year, 2057," where the re-strictions on the number of words go with specified age groupings.

The rebirth processes will involve all the sectors of the economy, in-cluding industry, science, banking and finance, planning, commerce, in-novation, social services, energy, ar-chaeology, zoology, and development against population growth, whilst stakeholders will be expected to write on what innovations that the people of the "New Ghana" should expect to see come into fruition and celebrate by year 2057, especially Ghanaian globally acknowledged discoveries.

Furthermore, the essays for this sector shall not exceed 2,500 words and shall not be an abstract but a con-ceptualised new Ghana of the future.

According to Mr. Magnus Naabe Rex- Danquah, the Chairman of the Organis-ing Committee, the "New Ghana 2057 Rebirth" philosophy shall be embed-ded on six principal pillars, pointers and or drivers of values and attitudes, namely: (i) Unity, (Ii) Change, (Iii) Dreams, (Iv) Hardwork, (V) Intergrity, and (Vi) Social Justice.

"We believe this initiative should serve as the beginning of a new so-cio-political dispensation for the youth of Ghana towards a new era of no fears, no intimidation, with equal opportunities to pursue and develop inert dreams, skills, and talents for national and continental develop-ment," he intimated.

This initiative also aims at the cre-ation of new enabling environments for the youth of a "New Ghana Re-birth" to empower them to dream dreams for individual, national, and continental development; developing their God-given talents for the total integration of Ghanaians and Africans across the continent of Africa for work and happiness towards Ghana's Cente-nary Celebrations of "New Hope, New Opportunities, New Dreams, and New Destinations".

The essence of this specific exer-cise, therefore, is towards the Rebirth of Ghana @ 100 in the year 2057.

This is an initiative of the RexDan-quah Legacy Trust, towards involving particularly the mass of our youth in influencing the national, regional, dis-trict, and constituency agenda setting for the physical planning and develop-ment of the nation's human and cap-ital resources over the next three to four decades.

Thus, the primary objective of the "New Ghana 2057 Rebirth Initiative" shall be the evolution of a volunteer movement, aimed at improving the brand Ghana for development as well as efficient integration that seeks to offer and proffer the following to-wards the renaissance of the nation and Africa--

- Offering equal opportunities, irre-spective of tribe, ethnicity and creed, to the youth as we walk towards Gha-na's Independence Centenary Cele-brations in 2057;

- Grounded on the ethos of her na-tional anthem, pledge and the 'Arise Ghana Youth' principles;

- Propagating the "NEW GHANA" ideology of citizenship, nationalism, patriotism, creed, allegiance, loyal-ty, service, commitment, shared re-lationships and responsibilities, and equal opportunities;

- Advocating the principle that the benefits thereof from our collective resources of the continent ought to start with a site-based development paradigm for integration and expan-sive development;

- Promoting an open organization and participation by all Ghanaian youth (aged 16+ years) devoid of ex-isting political affiliations;

- Meeting Ghana's energy, housing, transportation, and housing needs, amongst others, to satisfy an increas-ing population;

- Ingrained with the fight against corruption, nepotism, discrimination, partisanship, inequalities, tribalism and sectionalism as well as advoca-cy for unity as one nation and people with common destiny against any in-kling for any superior one tribe in the "New Ghana" by 2057 without sacri-ficing core traditional values and prin-ciples;

- Believing that the threshold for real change during the centenary cel-ebrations of Ghana's Independence Day on March 6, 1957, will be the highpoints of the targets set at Inde-pendence against how far we would have come after a hundred years;

- Supporting 'Responsible Youth of Tomorrow Empowerment' pro-grammes and initiatives in all facets of our local, district, regional, nation-al, sub-regional, regional and conti-nental engagements as a people and as a nation; and

- The basis or highroad for our de-velopment and advancement as a na-tion, for the second century of our journey as a people of equal oppor-tunities for all, irrespective, shall al-ways be the principle and values of meritocracy.

"We intend to use novel and quite futuristic strategies that include building the new agenda around the passion that erupted around Gha-na's Independence on March 6, 1957, across the globe of all people of Af-rican-descent rather than leverage the same around existing holds of cur-rent political parties, including the "Founder's Day" against "Founders' Day" dichotomy.

"We believe this exercise will be a worthwhile clarion call to bring the youth around one non-divisive point for redefining Ghana's future devel-opment paradigm, whilst taking the discussions away from the current vol-atile politics and the faltering nation-al economy, which seek to divide us rather than bring us together to face the threat as a nation and a people," emphasised Mr. Rex Danquah.

This article originally appeared on Ghanaian Times

Blessing Mwangi