Nigeria: Security forces kill more people than Covid-19
Security forces enforcing the coronavirus lockdown in parts of Nigeria have killed more people than the virus itself, according to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).
The rights group say law enforcement have killed 18 people in Nigeria since lockdowns began at the end of March. Coronavirus, by contrast, has killed just 12 Nigerians.
The evidence of killings came from tip offs by members of the public to the NHRC hotline, as well as videos that were sent in.
In total the group say they received over 100 complaints from 24 of Nigeria’s 36 states, including Lagos Ogun and Abuja - the parts of the country which have had their two week lockdown extended.
Nigerian security forces have a reputation for brutality: the Council on Foreign Relations estimates at least 1,476 people were killed by state actors in the country over the past year.
Security forces have not yet responded to the NHRC’s report. However, earlier this month the police force encouraged citizens to report officers who use excessive force, stating “the rights of Nigerians are not infringed upon under any pretext”.
President Muhammadu Buhari has been accused of sending a mixed message to security forces during the lockdown, urging them on Monday to “maintain utmost vigilance, firmness as well as restraint in enforcing the restrictions orders, while not neglecting statutory security responsibilities”.
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