Liberia: China Boosts 14 Military Hospital With U.S.$3 Million Drugs, Equipment

Items donated include two Intensive Care Unit ambulances (pictured), medical devices, laboratory equipment, emergency department equipment, obstetrics equipment, surgical equipment and out-patient equipment.

The Government of the Peoples' Republic of Chinese has turned over more than US$3 million worth of drugs and equipment to the Ministry of National Defense for use by the 14 Military Hospital, located in Margibi County.

Speaking during the turning-over ceremony at the 14th Military Hospital, a representative of the Chinese Embassy near Monrovia, Senior Colonel Ham Xiao, lauded the government of Liberia for being farsighted in constructing the military hospital for use by the Liberian military and other sectors of the Liberian society. He recounted the strong relationship subsisting between Liberia and China. He said his Country was pleased to identify with the people of Liberia during this difficult period.

Items donated include two Intensive Care Unit ambulances, medical devices, laboratory equipment, emergency department equipment, obstetrics equipment, surgical equipment and out-patient equipment.

Senior Colonel Xiao asserted that in the face of the outbreak of the novel COVID-19, which took the entire world by surprise, the Chinese Government has put people's lives and health first, including foreign friends who are currently studying or working in China, adding that, "through hard work and painful sacrifice, the Chinese people have basically controlled the spread of the virus in China and also have guaranteed the safety of the AFL soldiers who now study in China."

A representative of the Chinese Embassy near Monrovia, Senior Colonel Ham Xiao and Liberia's Minister of National Defense, Maj. Gen. Daniel Ziankahn (Rtd.)

He pledged the Chinese Government unflinching support and assistance to the professional development of the AFL, which he believes will enhance the already existing traditional friendship and cooperation between China and Liberia. He further stated that his government will provide more study opportunities to the AFL in the field of medicine.

Receiving the donation, the Minister of National Defense, Major General Daniel D. Ziankahn, Jr., (Rtd) on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the AFL, President George M. Weah, thanked the Government of the Peoples' Republic of China for its continual support to the AFL and Liberia in general.

He further assured the Chinese Government through its representative that the supplies will be used for the intended purpose.

This photo and article were originally published by the Liberian Observer.

Blessing Mwangi