Chad committed to fight against militants

Chad’s government has said its army will continue to support joint military operations against jihadist groups in West Africa, including the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali. 

The statement from the foreign ministry came just two days after President Idriss Deby seemingly suggested he would be withdrawing his troops, saying that Chadian soldiers would no longer be deployed outside the country’s borders. 

The president’s earlier address came after Boko Haram carried out its deadliest ever attack against Chad’s army, killing close to 100 soldiers in a single day. Chad says it killed many more jihadists in retaliation. 

It is possible that the president’s threat to withdraw troops was in fact a call for other countries to step up their efforts in the fight against the militants. 

Chad’s commitment to continue to take part in three multinational operations will come as welcome news to the region, which is in a dire state.

Chadian soldiers are experienced and are needed to counter the growing threat from Islamist militants. 

Photo: Getty Images 

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